St. Andrew’s is a neighborhood church that exists to introduce people to Jesus and help them become all that God has planned for them. We seek to unlock and unleash the Kingdom potential in our community. Through this generosity initiative called The 54, all who call St. Andrew’s home will be a part of making a generational impact on the Kingdom and step more into who God has called them to be.

In Isaiah 54, God tells His people that great things are on the horizon and
that they must prepare for what is to come. As you look around, you can see
the exciting growth within our church and school. It’s clear that God is calling
us to take action and prepare for the future. In doing so, we need to make
sure we continue to excel in the things we’re doing now while we each
consider how we will expand our current giving to join God in where He is
leading St. Andrew’s.


The 54 will fully fund our ministries for the next two years and enable us to
build our new sanctuary, ensuring we have the space and resources to thrive
both now and in the future. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and our
community, we will make The 54 a reality! 

Letter From Pastor Michael

In 1952, a group of families wanted to plant a flag for the Kingdom in our
neighborhood. The focus was always on getting Jesus into young families,
teaching children in a way that would grow their minds and spirits, reminding
them they were created on purpose for a purpose, and building a community
that represented Christ to the world. Almost 75 years later, things haven’t
changed that much.

Well, that’s not exactly true. Things have changed a lot, like a whole lot, but
who God has called St. Andrew’s to be remains the same: a neighborhood
church introducing people to Jesus and helping them step into all He has
planned for them. The ministry of St. Andrew’s has changed generations of
people, and I am humbled to be a part of The 54, an initiative that will ensure
St. Andrew’s will continue to affect change for generations to come. As we
come together as a community around The 54 over the next few years, I
believe God will do more than we could ever ask or imagine. My prayer for you
is that as you follow Jesus and “hold nothing back,” your sacrifices and steps of
faith will lead to a stronger foundation, a deeper trust in God, and a fuller
experience of His presence and purpose in your life.

I hope the following will be a helpful tool and resource for you as you ask God
how He would have you participate in The 54. I am honored to be leading
St. Andrew’s during this season, I love this church, I love you, and I can’t wait
to see all that we will accomplish together!